
The video I chose was about the effects photoshop has on the way we look. A host of a YouTube video, Sarah, went through the photoshop process. She models in front of a photographer and she says that it lowers the esteem of young girs but increases the expectation of guys. She was photoshopped by the photographer to look skinnier and more athletic. There's an ethical line that is crossed when a photo is manipulated because girls will strive for perfection that does not exist. The Photoshop Effect

Designing Your Blog

Why Design a Blog? We design blogs because it's a way we can express ourselves. Each and every single one of us has a different style and perspective of design. We use different fonts and colors, we bold and underline, and we also format differently. It can show off a specific emotion we are feeling or even convey a hidden message. Designing a blog is gives us a way to communicate than through words. Design Principles to Consider Alignment and Proximity are the big principles to consider. Alignment gives us the chance to organize and order and with this, we can create a visual connection. Proximity creates relationships between elements like shape and direction. While alignment makes a visual connection, proximity gives it a focal point. This allows us to read a blog without turning our heads or constantly trying to figure out where to start reading. How I Have Design My Blog I have designed my blog based on the colors and format that attract me. I can express myself bett...

Fake News

          When reading news its hard to know when you come across a fake news article. We all get too caught up on what the headlines are and we base our perspective on the topic without even reading the rest of the article or checking to see if it is actually true. However, there is a website called . This website is extremely useful because it shines a light on different articles for different sources that are all fake. For example one of the headlines that made it onto Snope, is "Nasa Warn's 'Planet X' Is Headed Straight For Earth?"            There is no purpose of fake news. The reasons why its still being circulated through the internet is because many writers are paid big bucks to produce these, they are forced to fulfill a social agenda, and also to gain an advertising revenue.            I know how I am when I read headlines, and I tend to believe everything I read. Wh...

AT Blog

Hey, Guys! In class the other day, I learned about all the interesting media and technological equipment that Trinity University offers. I think it's really great to have a school that supports and funds such a global need. In the library, we house a number of different rooms. As you first walk in there's several Macs and Pcs for students to use. There's a conference room with a large wood table and several chairs where you can hold interviews and video messaging. Then, you have a couple private rooms where you have access to white boards and a room where you can shoot a video with high tech equipment and green screens. There's access to three 3D printers, which are readily available for any of your projects. Last but certainly there's a room that's set up for you to shoot a video of yourself presenting a project, that allows you to use a light board. A light board is basically a clear white board that lets you use light as a way to write or draw, and the ca...

Introduction to My Life

Hey everyone, welcome to my blog!!  My name is Chiara Campasano and I'm a freshman at Trinity University. I'm from Phoenix, AZ. I graduated from a college prep high school, BASIS Mesa, back home.  I played volleyball freshman year in high school and I also was part of the National Honors Society where my love for volunteering blossomed. When I'm not working and studying, I love to hang out with my friends and adventure whenever I can.  I've always been good with phones and fixing computers, but have never really taken a tech class. Here at Trinity, I am going to be pursuing a International Business major and a minor in Chinese. I hope this blog will focus on my journey as a student and I hope as my college experience grows Ill be able to share my travels as I study abroad.  Contact me at